Terms of Service


These terms of service (Terms) set out the basis on which you may browse and use our website, available at//www.newsama.com和its subdomains and any services offered through it, including Phenom (Phenom) (collectively, the Site). Please also read ourPrivacy Policy, which contains important information regarding the ways in which we collect and use your personal information in connection with our business

该网站由Hindawi出版有限公司,在英格兰和威尔士,没有登记注册的公司拥有和经营。08671628和亚当楼,3楼,1菲茨罗伊广场,英国伦敦注册地址,W1T 5HF(我们,我们或我们的)。

Your use of the Site will be governed by these Terms, which serve as a legal contract between us and you. By browsing or using the Site and/or any services, content or materials made available through the Site you are agreeing to be legally bound by the Terms.

You may access the Site as an unregistered user but will need to register with us for an account (Phenom Account) in order to submit, edit or review any articles intended for publication in one of our journals. Any submissions, edits, information or data (in any form) you make via your Phenom Account including without limitation uploading of any articles or edits to articles are described in these Terms as your Contribution. In addition to these Terms, you acknowledge and agree that you will comply with any Author Guidelines, Editorial Workflows, Publication Ethics or other policies applicable to the journal(s) you contribute to via your Phenom Account (Policies).

In these terms “Intellectual Property Rights” means any patents, registered and unregistered trade-marks and service marks, domain names, registered designs and design rights, copyright (including such rights in computer software and databases), database rights and moral rights (in each case for the full period thereof and extensions, revivals and renewals thereof), applications for the foregoing and the right to apply for any of the foregoing anywhere in the world, and all similar rights anywhere in the world including those subsisting in inventions, designs, drawings and computer programs.

We may revise the Terms at any time by amending this page. Your use of the Site will be subject to the most recent version of the Terms available on the Site. We recommend that you read through the Terms available on the Site regularly so that you can be sure that you are aware of any changes that may apply to you.

    General availability of the Site





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      General conduct

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          Intellectual Property Rights and confidentiality

          With the exception of articles published on our Site marked “Open Access” which may be used in accordance with the terms of the “捐款出版 - 文章” section below:

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          If you are a Phenom Account holder you may deal with any Contribution in accordance with these Terms, our Policies and our instructions to you.

          You acknowledge and agree that articles (including all drafts, notes and preparatory material and/or other Contributions related to the article) prior to first publication are highly confidential (Confidential Information). You warrant and agree that you will (a) hold all Confidential Information at all times under conditions of secrecy and will take all reasonable steps to preserve its confidentiality; (b) use Confidential Information solely for the purpose of performing any services authorized by us and for no other purpose whatsoever; and (c) not disclose Confidential Information to any third party or use it for the benefit of any third party other than as permitted by us (which may only be given on obtaining undertakings similar to those in this paragraph from such parties).

          Prior to publication of your Contribution on the licence terms set out in the “Publication of Contributions - Articles” section below, you grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant to us a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide, royalty-free licence to publicly perform, copy, reproduce, display, make available, communicate to the public, modify, edit, manage, distribute, store and publish any and all of your Contribution in print and electronic form, including on Phenom in order to prepare an article for publication in our journal(s).

            捐款出版 - 文章

            You acknowledge and agree that,unless otherwise specified in the journal,if and once editorially accepted for publication, your Contribution shall be published by us under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)和(包括与所述制品的任何数据但不限于任何参考列表)是根据分配给知识共享公共领域贡献放弃(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)。

            For the avoidance of doubt, you shall retain the non-exclusive right to publish or otherwise use your Contribution and shall be the “Licensor” of the “Licensed Material” for the purposes of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence and Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver.

            If we consider that the copyright in your Contribution has been or is likely to be infringed, we shall be entitled (on giving notice where possible to you) to take such steps to deal with the matter as we may consider appropriate. You undertake not to do anything which may compromise or prejudice our conduct of such claim and we shall be entitled on giving notice to you to use your name and the name of any other co-author as a party to such proceedings and to control, settle or compromise such proceedings as we see fit. You shall (and shall procure that any other co-authors shall) co-operate with and give all reasonable assistance to us in the conduct of such claim. After deduction of our costs in connection with such claim, half of any profits or damages which may be received in respect of any infringement of the copyright shall be retained by us with the remainder shared equally between you and any co-authors.

            We reserve the right to refuse to publish any article or other Contribution for any reason.

            (包括通过提交或做贡献without limitation all tables, abstracts, illustrations, data, diagrams and other materials accompanying the text of the Contribution) for the purposes of publication by us you represent and warrant that:

            • you are the sole author of the Contribution, or, if not, you have been authorized by and have the full permission, licence and consent of all co-authors to submit the Contribution and any personal data associated with the Contribution;
            • 你是合法的和有权提交公司ntribution and authorize us to publish the Contribution in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license and you are legally able and entitled to authorize us to publish any data relating to the Contribution in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication Waiver, as described earlier in this section;
            • 贡献是原始的,尚未在其他任何形式发表或者不是目前正在考虑通过其它期刊发表;
            • you have obtained all necessary permissions and licences for any third-party material, data or code contained in the Contribution (including without limitation all illustrations, charts, photographs, maps or other material) and the Contribution does not infringe any copyright, trade mark right or any other rights of any third party;
            • you have disclosed to us in accordance with any Policies all potential conflicts of interest, including without limitation, personal or political interests, commercial associations or financial interests held by you and any co-authors;
            • 没有什么贡献已藐视法庭或官方机密1989年法令或数据保护法(包括通用数据保护条例六百七十九分之二千零十六/ EC,调查权力法案2000,电信(合法经营条例的任何违反获得实践)(截取通讯)法规2000(SI2699分之2000),电子通讯数据保护指令(2002/58 / EC),隐私和电子通信(EC指令)条例2003(SI2003分之2426)和所有适用的关于个人数据和隐私,包括任何数据保护立法的处理不时生效的英国包括它生效,数据保护法案)或其他类似的国外立法,时间时间的法律和法规;
            • 没有包含任何informati的贡献on that may violate the State Secrets Laws of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), including (a) any information that has a vital bearing on Chinese state security and national interests; (b) any information defined as a “State Secret” under the PRC law, or (c) any classified information belonging to governmental authorities of the People’s Republic of China, including government agencies, quasi-government agencies, public institutions, or state-owned enterprises (together the State Secret Laws). For the purposes of PRC law and these Terms “State Secrets” shall include, but not be limited to: (i) unpublished information concerning major policy decisions on Chinese State affairs; (ii) confidential information concerning national defence and the activities of the armed forces; (iii) confidential information concerning national diplomatic policies and activities; (iv) confidential information concerning national economic and social development; (v) matters concerning classified science and technology; and (vi) unpublished Chinese State security matters and non-public information about the on-going investigation of criminal offenses.
            • the Contribution and all information supplied by you through your Phenom Account contains nothing that is unlawful, defamatory, legally privileged or which would, if published, constitute a breach of contract or of confidentiality or breach of privacy;
            • no advice, recipe, formula or instruction in the Contribution will if followed or implemented by any person cause loss, damage or injury to them or any other person;
            • 对贡献所进行的任何研究已根据适用法律,法规和行为守则进行;
            • you have adhered to the Policies in your preparation and submission of the Contribution; and
            • due care, diligence and all other requisite investigations were carried out in the preparation of the Contribution to ensure its accuracy and all statements contained in it purporting to be factual are true and correct.

              Article Processing Charges

              Publication of an article with us requires payment of a non-refundable article processing charge in accordance with our Article Processing Charges Policy listed for each journal in the “Journal Menu” (for example,//www.newsama.com/journals/aaa/apc/)(APC)。

              In the event an article is accepted for publication, the author originally submitting the article intended for publication (whether for himself/herself or on behalf of a group of authors or an institution) will be invoiced for the applicable APC. Payments of APCs must be made in the period stipulated on our invoice. Payments must be made in full via our third-party payment service provider and in accordance with such provider’s terms of service. Payment by any other means is permitted only in our sole discretion.



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                        We may assign our rights under this agreement and transfer our obligations under this agreement in our sole discretion by providing notice to you via the email address that you provide to us or by notifying you on our site.

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                          We are committed to sharing findings related to COVID-19 as quickly and safely as possible. Any author submitting a COVID-19 paper should notify us athelp@hindawi.com以确保他们的研究是快速跟踪和尽快预印本服务器上公布。我们将针对与COVID-19接受的文章中提供的出版费用减免无限。Sign up hereas a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions.