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Journal Title ISSN Rate
Abstract and Applied Analysis 1085-3375 $1400
Active and Passive Electronic Components 0882-7516 $350
Advances in Agriculture 2356-654X $350
Advances in Astronomy 1687-7969 $550
Advances in Civil Engineering 1687-8086 $1850
Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 1687-8108 $550
Advances in Fuzzy Systems 1687-7101 $350
Advances in Hematology 1687-9104 $550
Advances in High Energy Physics 1687-7357 $650
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 1687-5893 $550
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 1687-8434 $1500
Advances in Mathematical Physics 1687-9120 $450
Advances in Medicine 2356-6752 $350
Advances in Meteorology 1687-9309 $950
Advances in Multimedia 1687-5680 $450
Advances in Operations Research 1687-9147 $350
Advances in Orthopedics 2090-3464 $350
Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2633-4682 $650
Advances in Polymer Technology 0730-6679 $2650
Advances in Preventive Medicine 2090-3480 $350
Advances in Public Health 2356-6868 $350
Advances in Tribology 1687-5915 $550
Advances in Urology 1687-6369 $650
Advances in Virology 1687-8639 $550
AIDS Research and Treatment 2090-1240 $350
Analytical Cellular Pathology 2210-7177 $1400
Anemia 2090-1267 $350
Anesthesiology Research and Practice 1687-6962 $550
Applied and Environmental Soil Science 1687-7667 $450
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 1176-2322 $1300
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing 1687-9724 $350
Archaea 1472-3646 $350
Autism Research and Treatment 2090-1925 $450
Autoimmune Diseases 2090-0422 $350
Behavioural Neurology 0953-4180 $2000
Biochemistry Research International 2090-2247 $450
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications 1565-3633 $450
BioMed Research International 2314-6133 $7800
Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2291-2789 $450
Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology 1712-9532 $450
Canadian Respiratory Journal 1198-2241 $450
Cardiology Research and Practice 2090-8016 $650
Cardiovascular Therapeutics 1755-5914 $950
Complexity 1076-2787 $2100
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 1748-670X $1050
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 1687-5265 $750
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A, Bridging Education and Research 1546-6086 $2350
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B, Magnetic Resonance Engineering 1552-5031 $2650
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 1555-4309 $550
Critical Care Research and Practice 2090-1305 $350
当前老年学和老年病学研究 1687-7063 $350
Depression Research and Treatment 2090-1321 $450
Dermatology Research and Practice 1687-6105 $350
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1026-0226 $650
Disease Markers 0278-0240 $2350
Education Research International 2090-4002 $450
Emergency Medicine International 2090-2840 $350
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741-427X $3600
Gastroenterology Research and Practice 1687-6121 $750
Geofluids 1468-8115 $750
Heteroatom Chemistry 1042-7163 $3400
Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1064-7449 $350
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases 1687-708X $350
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 1687-5966 $650
International Journal of Agronomy 1687-8159 $450
International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2090-8024 $650
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry 1687-8760 $350
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 1687-5869 $1050
International Journal of Biomaterials 1687-8787 $450
International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 1687-4188 $550
International Journal of Breast Cancer 2090-3170 $450
International Journal of Cell Biology 1687-8876 $450
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 1687-806X $550
International Journal of Chronic Diseases 2356-6981 $350
International Journal of Computer Games Technology 1687-7047 $350
International Journal of Corrosion 1687-9325 $450
International Journal of Dentistry 1687-8728 $450
International Journal of Differential Equations 1687-9643 $350
International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting 1687-7578 $450
International Journal of Ecology 1687-9708 $850
International Journal of Electrochemistry 2090-3529 $450
International Journal of Endocrinology 1687-8337 $850
International Journal of Food Science 2356-7015 $350
International Journal of Forestry Research 1687-9368 $350
International Journal of Genomics 2314-436X $350
International Journal of Geophysics 1687-885X $850
International Journal of Hepatology 2090-3448 $450
International Journal of Hypertension 2090-0384 $550
International Journal of Inflammation 2090-8040 $450
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 0161-1712 $1300
International Journal of Microbiology 1687-918X $550
International Journal of Nephrology 2090-214X $450
International Journal of Optics 1687-9384 $450
International Journal of Otolaryngology 1687-9201 $450
International Journal of Pediatrics 1687-9740 $550
International Journal of Photoenergy 1110 - 662 x $950
International Journal of Polymer Science 1687-9422 $550
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing 1687-7195 $450
International Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2356-7104 $350
International Journal of Rheumatology 1687-9260 $450
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 1023-621X $450
International Journal of Surgical Oncology 2090-1402 $450
International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications 1687-6415 $350
International Journal of Vascular Medicine 2090-2824 $350
Journal of Addiction 2090-7834 $350
Journal of Advanced Transportation 0197-6729 $850
Journal of Aging Research 2090-2204 $550
Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2090-8865 $650
Journal of Applied Mathematics 1110-757X $1700
Journal of Cancer Epidemiology 1687-8558 $350
Journal of Chemistry 2090-9063 $1500
Journal of Combustion 2090-1968 $450
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2090-7141 $750
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 1687-5249 $450
Journal of Diabetes Research 2314-6745 $950
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2090-0147 $650
Journal of Energy 2356-735X $350
Journal of Engineering 2314-4904 $450
Journal of Environmental and Public Health 1687-9805 $450
Journal of Food Quality 0146-9428 $650
Journal of Function Spaces 2314-8896 $450
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2040-2295 $650
Journal of Immunology Research 2314-8861 $1050
Journal of Interventional Cardiology 0896-4327 $950
Journal of Lipids 2090-3030 $450
Journal of Marine Sciences 2633-4666 $550
Journal of Mathematics 2314-4629 $450
Journal of Nanomaterials 1687-4110 $1800
Journal of Nanotechnology 1687-9503 $450
Journal of Nucleic Acids 2090-0201 $350
Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2090-0724 $750
Journal of Obesity 2090-0708 $850
Journal of Oncology 1687-8450 $950
Journal of Ophthalmology 2090-004X $750
Journal of Optimization 2356-752X $350
Journal of Osteoporosis 2090-8059 $350
Journal of Parasitology Research 2090-0023 $450
Journal of Pathogens 2090-3057 $350
Journal of Pregnancy 2090-2727 $350
Journal of Probability and Statistics 1687-952X $550
Journal of Renewable Energy 2314-4386 $350
Journal of Robotics 1687-9600 $350
Journal of Sensors 1687-725X $1050
Journal of Skin Cancer 2090-2905 $350
Journal of Spectroscopy 2314-4920 $1400
Journal of Sports Medicine 2356-7651 $350
Journal of Thyroid Research 2090-8067 $350
Journal of Toxicology 1687-8191 $750
Journal of Transplantation 2090-0007 $450
Journal of Tropical Medicine 1687-9686 $550
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1024-123X $3400
Mediators of Inflammation 0962-9351 $1500
Minimally Invasive Surgery 2090-1445 $350
Mobile Information Systems 1574-017X $950
建模和仿真on in Engineering 1687-5591 $450
Multiple Sclerosis International 2090-2654 $350
Neural Plasticity 2090-5904 $1300
Neurology Research International 2090-1852 $450
Nursing Research and Practice 2090-1429 $450
Obstetrics and Gynecology International 1687-9589 $550
Occupational Therapy International 0966-7903 $550
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 1942-0900 $2100
Pain Research and Management 1203-6765 $450
Parkinson’s Disease 2090-8083 $650
PPAR Research 1687-4757 $550
Prostate Cancer 2090-3111 $350
Psyche: A Journal of Entomology 0033 - 2615 $650
Psychiatry Journal 2314-4327 $350
Pulmonary Medicine 2090-1836 $450
Radiology Research and Practice 2090-1941 $350
Rehabilitation Research and Practice 2090-2867 $350
Sarcoma 1357-714X $550
Scanning 0161-0457 $650
Schizophrenia Research and Treatment 2090-2085 $350
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 1687-6075 $550
Scientific Programming 1058-9244 $1050
Security and Communication Networks 1939-0114 $2350
Shock and Vibration 1070-9622 $1500
Sleep Disorders 2090-3545 $350
Stem Cells International 1687-966X $1400
Stroke Research and Treatment 2090-8105 $350
Surgery Research and Practice 2356-7759 $350
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment 2090-150X $550
Veterinary Medicine International 2090-8113 $350
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 1530-8669 $1500

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