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Our journals service niche and broader communities of researchers all over the world. They would not be the useful and impactful publications they are without the expert researchers that publish in them.

All of our journals are handled by dedicated Editors who are active in the specific communities they serve and are discoverable in the world's leading scientific indexes.

We value and trust our peer reviewers from across the globe who help ensure that the research published in Hindawi journals is of the highest quality it can be.

Here, you can find out everything you need to know about being an Author, Editor or Reviewer at a Hindawi journal.

We are committed to sharing findings related to COVID-19 as quickly and safely as possible. Any author submitting a COVID-19 paper should notify us athelp@hindawi.comto ensure their research is fast-tracked and made available on a preprint server as soon as possible. We will be providing unlimited waivers of publication charges for accepted articles related to COVID-19.Sign up here他作为一个评论家lp fast-track new submissions.