

Communicating science and inspiring audiences of different ages

Communicating science and inspiring audiences of different ages


Shrek, the 2001 movie produced by Dreamworks was hailed by experts as a “turning point” in animated films [1] because of its appeal to both children and their parents. If you have seen the film as a grown-up then you may have noticed that this is because there are two clear subtexts: one aimed at children and the other, adults. Of course, this did not happen by accident. Like the producers of Shrek, as a science communicator you are likely to come across audiences of mixed ages too. The main reason for this is that children and young people rarely come alone.

For example, national schemes across the world, such as the French science week called “香格里拉祭祀德拉科学”,鼓励科学家采取有关他们的研究公众聊天的时间。在这样的事件,观众基本上由谁是伴随着他们的父母,祖父母,哥哥姐姐或教师的年轻人和儿童最多。知道如何你的方法调整以吸引这些不同的年龄组是一个关键的技术与混合观众打交道时。

Choose to inspire

When communicating science to the general public of any age, “to be inspired”, is generally somewhere at the top of the list. A 2013 EU study [2] found that the main motivation for children to take part in science outreach activities is because they are “…interesting and you can get enthusiastic about something.”






If your audience is made up of teenagers, then you are in luck. Another EU survey from 2008 [5] showed that two thirds of young people (15-25 years old) are interested in news about science and technology. This can be helpful, as both spectators and readers will pay more attention if they already care about science. Although, watch out as this also means that their expectations will be higher; it takes more clout to inspire somebody with new information who already knows a lot about your topic.











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