TY - Jour A2 - Laurencin,Cato T. Au - Abebe,Kirubel Au - Sherefa,Kalid Au - Teshome,Henok Au - Abebe,Engida Py - 2020 Da - 2020/07/24 Ti-Ileosigmoid knotting:患者临床概况分析和结果的决定因素sp - 3826138 vl - 2020 ab -
方法。2014年2月至1月20日在2014年2月至2020年,对ST.Paul的医院Millennium Medical College(SPHMMC)进行了对ISK的所有患者的回顾性分析。
F = 3 : 1) were studied. The mean age was 41.7 years (SD ± 19.5) and ranged from 18 to 80 years. The mean duration of illness was 1.6 days (SD ± 1.1). Abdominal pain and vomiting were seen in all patients followed by abdominal distention (24, 85.7%) and failure to pass feces or flatus (23, 82.1%). Preoperative diagnosis was correct in 6 (21.4%) patients. Almost all patients (26, 92.8%) had gangrenous bowel. The commonest procedure performed was resection of the gangrenous segments with primary ileoileal anastomosis and sigmoid end colostomy (16, 57.1%). Complications were seen in 11 (39.3%) patients and the commonest being surgical site infection (SSI) (7, 25%). Death occurred in 6 (21.4%) patients, and it was significantly (
结论。ISK缺乏特定的临床特征,并施加了大量的肠浆,这应该得到高度怀疑和紧急剖腹手术。外科手术的选择应通过术中排便状态和患者的一般情况确定。SN - 2356-7759 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/3826138 do - 10.1155 / 2020/3826138 jf - 手术研究和实践Pb - Hindawi Kw - ER -