TY - JOUR A2 - Noll, Fernando B. AU - Théodore Munyuli, M. B. PY - 2013 DA - 2013/03/20 TI - Climatic, Regional Land-Use Intensity, Landscape, and Local Variables Predicting Best the Occurrence and Distribution of Bee Community Diversity in Various Farmland Habitats in Uganda SP - 564528 VL - 2013 AB - This study was conducted in 2006 in central Uganda to provide baseline data on relationships between bee community variables and local, climatic, landscape and regional drivers affecting bee community abundance and diversity in agricultural landscapes. Bee abundance and species richness increased significantly ( P. < 0.05 )随着半自然栖息地的百分比增加,以及景观中野生和栽培花卉资源的丰富。有强线性下降( P. < 0.001 )蜂种了丰富性和丰富,培养强度。蜜蜂物种丰富度越来越陡峭,森林距离非常陡峭。蜜蜂物种丰富性和丰富受到土地利用强度的负面影响( P. < 0.01 )。蜜蜂物种丰富性和丰度强烈呈负相关( P. < 0.001 )随着前几年的平均年度温度的增加而不是当前几年,表明当地蜜蜂种类对未来的气候变化的潜在脆弱性。农田半自然栖息地和自然的百分比预测了乌干达中部的最佳发生和分配。因此,建议政策制定者和农民投资于保护森林碎片(和相关半自然栖息地),以减轻气候变化对蜂生物多样性和授粉服务交付的负面影响的缓解。SN - 0033-2615 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/564528 do - 10.1155 / 2013/564528 jf - Specte Pb - Hindwi Publishing CorporationKW - ER -