TY -的A2 -克雷默,理查德•AU -巴特拉伊语Kumar盟——Shrestha Shreya盟——Rokka Kabita盟——释迦,乐观PY - 2020 DA - 2020/06/17 TI -维生素D,钙、甲状旁腺激素和性类固醇在骨骼健康和影响衰老的SP - 9324505六世- 2020 AB -骨骼健康的老年人是一个主要的全球卫生问题,因为大约在3妇女和1在5人患有骨质疏松和骨折,通常称为骨质疏松,在年老的时候。骨骼健康是一个复杂的问题受多种激素和矿物质。在所有的激素参与骨骼健康,骨化三醇(维生素D),甲状旁腺,性激素(特别是雌激素)讨论了综述论文。我们已经讨论了这些激素的代谢及其对骨骼健康的影响。维生素D可以从饮食中获得或由7-dehydrocholesterol发现皮肤下的阳光。活动形式,骨化三醇,使二聚作用的维生素D受体作用于骨骼,肠和肾,调节血液中钙的水平。同样,甲状旁腺素分泌时,血清钙水平很低。它通过骨化三醇有助于调节血钙水平。性激素调节骨建模在早期和重构。卵巢功能丧失和减量生产雌激素水平,老年女性的骨质疏松有关。 In the elderly, various changes in the calcium and vitamin D metabolism, such as decrease in the production of vitamin D, decrease in dietary vitamin D, decreased renal production, increased production of excretory products, decrease in the level of VDR, and decreased calcium absorption by the intestines, can lead to bone loss. When the elderly are diagnosed with osteoporosis, medications that directly target bone such as bisphosphonates, RANK ligand inhibitors, estrogen and estrogen analogues, estrogen receptor modulators, and parathyroid hormone receptor agonists are used. Additionally, calcium and vitamin D supplements are prescribed. SN - 2090-8059 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/9324505 DO - 10.1155/2020/9324505 JF - Journal of Osteoporosis PB - Hindawi KW - ER -