TY -的A2 Kurabayashi Atsushi盟——Alshameri诺盟——Al-Qurainy法赫德盟——Gaafar Abdel-Rhman AU -汗,萨利姆AU -纳迪姆,默罕默德盟——Alansi萨利赫盟——Shaikhaldein哈桑o . AU -萨利赫,Abdalrhaman m . PY - 2020 DA - 2020/12/04 TI -识别差异表达基因Drought-Responsive在瓜尔豆Cyamopsis tetragonoloba(l)陶布]SP - 4147615六世- 2020 AB -干旱仍然是最严重的环境压力,因为连续的土壤水分的减少,这就需要提高作物抗旱等特性。瓜尔胶( Cyamopsis tetragonoloba(l)陶布],饲料和工业作物,是一种nonthirsty植物。然而,信息的转录组变化发生在干旱胁迫下瓜尔非常有限;因此,基因表达分析在这种情况下是必要的。在这里,我们研究了差异表达基因(度)对干旱胁迫的响应及其代谢途径。通过采用RNA-Seq算法被用来估计基因丰度。随后,数字基因表达数据的实证分析R Bioconductor包被用来识别度。Blast2GO InterProScan,京都的百科全书和被用来探索基因组功能注释的基因,蛋白质分析、酶和代谢途径。转录因子被确定使用PlantTFDB数据库。我们的研究发现499年调节和191个表达下调基因来响应干旱胁迫。 Of those, 32 upregulated and six downregulated genes were deemed as novel genes exclusive to guar. An aggregate of 137 protein families, 306 domains, 12 repeats, and two sites were upregulated. The proton-dependent oligopeptide transporter family and transferase, aquaporin transporter, calcium/calmodulin-dependent/calcium-dependent protein kinase, aspartic peptidase A1 family, UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase, and major intrinsic protein were the most upregulated protein families. The upregulated unigenes were associated with 88 enzymes and 77 KEGG pathways. Finally, the MYB-related, MYB, and ERF transcription factor families were upregulated. These data may be useful for understanding the plant molecular response to drought stress. SN - 2314-436X UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/4147615 DO - 10.1155/2020/4147615 JF - International Journal of Genomics PB - Hindawi KW - ER -