TY - Jour A2 - Spigno,Giorgia Au - NTSAMO,Thierry Marcel Beumo Au - 穆罕默德,布巴·佐伊奥 - Sokame,Alphonse Tegang Au - Njintang,Nicolas Yanou Au - Tatsadjieu,Leopold Ngoune Py - 2020 da - 2020/12/10- 使用发酵效果乳酸杆菌植物藻A6关于预煮的物理化学和功能性质高粱双色Voandzeia Subterranea混合面粉SP - 9234083 VL - 2020 AB - 本研究旨在生产 高粱双色 Voandzeia Subterranea互补的瞬间面粉。将预煮的高粱和Bambara Groudenut粉末混合在不同的比例(0:100,25:75,50:50,75:25和100:0),用无菌蒸馏水(1:3,W:V)水合,并使用72 h / 37°C发酵 乳酸杆菌植物藻A6在105. CFU/g. During the fermentation, samples were withdrawn for pH, titrable acidity, and microbial analyses. After fermentation, color, particle size, water absorption capacity (WAC), solubility index, least gelling concentration (LGC), and physicochemical and pasting properties were determined. The results showed that the fermentation significantly ( P. ≤. 0.05 )减少WAC,LGC,峰值粘度,最终粘度,击穿和pH,但增加了面粉的溶解度指数和可滴定酸度。蛋白质和碳水化合物的含量以及颜色,粒度和培养物在烹饪面粉后未受到发酵的显着影响。面粉比和发酵也显着降低了样品的总多酚,单宁和植酸含量。发酵的混合面粉含有25%的预煮高粱粉和75%烤的Bambara面粉(SVFP25)是一种有前途的替代方案,即用于幼儿营养的即时面粉。SN - 2356-7015 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/9234083 do - 10.1155 / 2020/9234083 jf - 国际食品科学杂志Pb - Hindawi Kw - ER -