TY - JOUR A2 - Campagnaro, Thomas AU - Osei-Wusu, William AU - Quaye-Ballard, Jonathan AU - Antwi, Terah AU - Quaye-Ballard, Naa Lamkai AU - awtwi, Alfred PY - 2020 DA - 2020/10/28 TI - Sefwi Wiawso District (SWD)的森林损失和易感区域预测,加纳SP - 8894639 VL - 2020 AB -森林为大多数发展中国家的经济提供了不可估量的价值。发展中国家的森林经历了人类活动造成的有害影响,如不受管制地消除生物多样性和不可持续的土地转换。位于加纳的Sefwi Wiawso区(SWD)包括Muro、Tano Suhien、Tano Suraw、Suhuma、Sui River和Krokosua等6个森林保护区(FRs)的部分地区,是本研究的主题。采用回顾性和预测性方法研究了选定的空间变量对森林损失的影响。利用1984 - 2017年Landsat 5和7的分类图像分析了过去的森林砍伐模式。从土地利用土地覆被(LULC)分类中以公顷(ha)为单位的像素面积被用来检测易受潜在损失的土地覆被类别。该研究还使用简单移动平均(SMA)预测模型对森林进行了简单预测,该模型基于LULC分类中过去和现在的森林砍伐模式。结果表明,防护林覆盖面积3587.49公顷(ha)转变为农用地和裸地。此外,自2000年至2017年,有2532.96公顷土地由密林转为非林地,相当于社署森林覆盖区内密林面积减少16%。 This loss was also 11% higher than close forest areas between 2000 and 2010. SMA forecasting showed that from 2017 to 2024, 877.38 hectares (ha) of close forest resources will convert to open forest resources and other nonforest land cover. Subtle accessibility routes such as navigable rivers and unofficial roads are the key instigators of protected forest clearance in the Sefwi Wiawso Forest District (SWFD). The SWFD is surrounded by many communities and is susceptible to uncontrollable biodiversity removal due to lack of proper monitoring of agricultural practices, mining operations, fuelwood collection, and illegal hunting, which represents a means of livelihood for the forest fringe community dwellers. The research serves as a benchmark for similar studies in efforts to investigate, measure, and project land cover change in protected forest areas. SN - 1687-9368 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8894639 DO - 10.1155/2020/8894639 JF - International Journal of Forestry Research PB - Hindawi KW - ER -