International Journal of Chemical Engineering

Table of Contents

Table of Contents: 2011

  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 659012
  • - Review Article

Separation Strategies for Processing of Dilute Liquid Streams

Sujata Mandal | Bhaskar D. Kulkarni
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 830610
  • - Review Article

Competition Kinetics of the Nonbranched-Chain Addition of Free Radicals to Olefins, Formaldehyde, and Oxygen

M. M. Silaev
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 231828
  • - Research Article

Feasibility of Batch Reactive Distillation with Equilibrium-Limited Consecutive Reactions in Rectifier, Stripper, or Middle-Vessel Column

T. Lukács | C. Stéger | ... | Z. Lelkes
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 970247
  • - Research Article

Reduced Chemical Kinetic Model for Titan Entries

Romain Savajano | Raffaello Sobbia | ... | Pénélope Leyland
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 545234
  • - Research Article

A Large-Scale Synthesis and Characterization of Quaternary CuIn x Ga 1 x S 2 Chalcopyrite Nanoparticles via Microwave Batch Reactions

Chivin Sun | Richard D. Westover | ... | Joshua J. Pak
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 670108
  • - Review Article

Enhancement of Heat Transfer by Ultrasound: Review and Recent Advances

Mathieu Legay | Nicolas Gondrexon | ... | André Bontemps
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 592075
  • - Research Article

Synthesis and Structural Investigations of Ag-Added Ba T i O 措的混合氧化物 C O Gas Sensing

Ahmed Mohamed El-Sayed | Fathy Mohamed Ismail | Saad Mabrouk Yakout
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 209435
  • - Research Article

Phase Behaviour of 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Thiocyanate Ionic Liquid with Catalytic Deactivated Compounds and Water at Several Temperatures: Experiments and Theoretical Predictions

Ramalingam Anantharaj | Tamal Banerjee
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 967198
  • - Research Article

Advanced Control of a Continuous Solution Copolymerization Process

Nádson Murilo Nascimento Lima | Lamia Zuñiga Liñan | ... | Maria Regina Wolf Maciel
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 646917
  • - Research Article

Tuning Genetic Algorithm Parameters to Improve Convergence Time

玛丽亚的gelova | Tania Pencheva
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 939161
  • - Review Article

A Review on Heavy Metals (As, Pb, and Hg) Uptake by Plants through Phytoremediation

Bieby Voijant Tangahu | Siti Rozaimah Sheikh Abdullah | ... | Muhammad Mukhlisin
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 791218
  • - Research Article

Study of the Pressure Drop and Flow Field in Standard Gas Cyclone Models Using the Granular Model

Nabil Kharoua | Lyes Khezzar | Zoubir Nemouchi
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 518592
  • - Research Article

Catalyst Initiation in the Oscillatory Carbonylation Reaction

Katarina Novakovic | Julie Parker
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - Article ID 132435
  • - Research Article

Peptide-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Prepared through Coacervation Technique

Marina Gallarate | Luigi Battaglia | ... | Michele Trotta
  • International Journal of Chemical Engineering-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2011
  • - - - - - - ID 267218条
  • - Research Article

Uniform Chitosan Microparticles Prepared by a Novel Spray-Drying Technique

Wenjie Liu | Winston Duo Wu | ... | Xiao Dong Chen
International Journal of Chemical Engineering
Journal metrics
Acceptance rate 32%
Submission to final decision 83 days
Acceptance to publication 38 days
CiteScore 1.800
Impact Factor 1.877

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