TY - JOUR A2 - 马卢夫 - 菲略,Fauze AU - 焦万尼尼,马克AU - 博列斯,二万PY - 2012 DA - 2011/08/14 TI - 超声内镜引导胆管引流SP - 348719 VL - 2012 AB - 的echoendoscopic胆管引流是一个选项,当ERCP引流失败治疗阻塞jaundices。这些程序编写替代方法手术和经皮肝穿刺胆道引流术的一面,并通过echoendoscopes及配件的不断发展和完善是唯一可能。线性setorial阵列echoendoscopes的于1990年初的发展带来了echoendoscopy能力的新的方法来诊断和治疗dimenion,打开到超过直接超声视图进行穿刺技术的可能性。尽管高的成功率,并通过获得的ERCP胆管引流低发病率,难度可以在支架肿瘤向内生长,肿瘤肠压缩,periampulary憩室,和解剖变异的存在被发现。该echoendoscopic技术开始执行穿刺技术和左胆管树的对比度。当从胃壁执行时,访问是通过肝段III制备。从十二指肠,直接胆总管穿刺技术。扩张支架被引入之前必需的,并且被引入塑料或金属支架。穿刺道的透热扩张是利用6F cystostome需要:这句话应改为。 The technical success of hepaticogastrostomy is near 98%, and complications are present in 36%: pneumoperitoneum, choleperitoneum, infection, and stent disfunction. To prevent bile leakage, we have used the 2 stent techniques, the first stent introduced was a long uncovered metallic stent (8 or 10 cm), and inside this first stent a second fully covered stent of 6 cm was delivered to bridge the bile duct and the stomach. Choledochoduodenostomy overall success rate is 92% and described complications include, in frequency order, pneumoperitoneum and focal bile peritonitis, present in 19%. By the last 10 years, the technique was especially performed in reference centers, by ERCP experienced groups, and this seems to be a general guideline to safer procedure execution. SN - 1687-6121 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/348719 DO - 10.1155/2012/348719 JF - Gastroenterology Research and Practice PB - Hindawi Publishing Corporation KW - ER -