TY -的A2 -穆萨,穆罕默德Rafique盟——Querido萨拉非盟-苏萨,恩里克席尔瓦AU -佩雷拉,蒂亚戈阿西斯AU -伯恩,丽塔非盟- Matias,帕特丽夏盟-豪尔赫,克里斯蒂娜盟——Weigert安德烈AU - Adragao,特蕾莎修女AU -布鲁日,Margarida AU -马查多,多明戈PY - 2015 DA - 2015/12/10 TI -消化道出血和弥漫性皮肤增厚卡波济肉瘤临床表现SP - 424508六世- 2015 AB - 56岁的非洲病人收到已故捐献者的肾脏与2013年4月4 HLA不匹配。他收到与basiliximab免疫抑制,他克莫司,霉酚酸酯和强的松。立即利尿和良好的同种异体移植物功能很快就被观察到。六个月后,血清肌酐水平增加到2.6 mg / dL。移植肾活检显示间质纤维化和肾小管萎缩II级。钙调磷酸酶抑制剂的毒性是假定,everolimus开关后,肾功能改善。然而,2014年3月以来,肾功能逐渐恶化。第二个同种异体移植物活检显示没有新的病变。两个月后,病人被由于无尿,haematochezia贫血,需要5包装单位的红细胞,弥漫性皮肤增厚。结肠镜检查显示结肠和直肠出血补丁; histology diagnosis was Kaposi sarcoma (KS). A skin biopsy revealed cutaneous involvement of KS. Rapid clinical deterioration culminated in death in June 2014. This case is unusual as less than 20 cases of KS with gross gastrointestinal bleeding have been reported and only 6 cases had the referred bleeding originating in the lower gastrointestinal tract. So, KS should be considered in differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding in some kidney transplant patients. SN - 2090-6943 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/424508 DO - 10.1155/2015/424508 JF - Case Reports in Transplantation PB - Hindawi Publishing Corporation KW - ER -