TY - A2的龟井静香Motohiro盟——Ozates Serdar盟——Ozdal Pınar Cakar AU -泰克,穆罕默德Yasin PY - 2016 DA - 2016/12/04 TI -磨砂分支脉管炎继发于地中海热像视网膜中央静脉阻塞SP - 2916027六世- 2016 AB -
病例报告。一个32岁的女人面对进步,无痛的在她的左眼视力丧失持续2天。她被临床诊断为FMF 2个月前。最佳矫正视力(BCVA)在她的右眼20/20,就有了光感知在左边。眼科检查发现严重视网膜血管炎的临床特征等角度的左眼。64毫克/天口服甲强龙就开始了。显著改善在两周后观察视网膜血管炎。然而,BCVA没有显著增加由于subhyaloid premacular出血。氩激光后hyaloidotomy。一周后hyaloidotomy,视力提高到20/20和intravitreal出血消失了。 Four months after the first attack, FBA recurred. Oral methylprednisolone dosage was increased to 64 mg/day and combined with azathioprine 150 mg. At the end of 12-month follow-up, the BCVA was 20/25 and development of epiretinal membrane was observed in the left eye.
结论。磨砂与基因异常分支可能发生脉管炎作为一个基本条件。我们的案例表明,FMF可能诱发疾病。SN - 2090 - 6722 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/2916027 - 10.1155 / 2016/2916027摩根富林明在眼科医学案例报告PB - Hindawi出版公司KW - ER