TY -的A2 Micali朱塞佩·a . AU -帕蒂尔Shakuntala s . AU -帕蒂尔萨钦m . AU -坎贝尔,瑞安非盟-辛格Manisha AU -普罗金,马修PY - 2020 DA - 2020/11/09 TI - Levofloxacin-Induced急性色素沉着过度变化在慢性肾脏疾病患者SP - 6186471六世- 2020 AB - Medication-induced皮肤色素沉着过度变临床表现,依赖于特定的药物。最常见的是,一个细心的患者观察到这样的变化在早期;当病人错过了,这种变化通常是一个细心的的临床医生所指出的。临床诊断可能是一个挑战,如果病人是多种药物,因为其他原因必须排除在外。这种情况发生时通过多种机制。频繁,色素的变化是可逆的,停药的药物。诱发药物包括非甾体类;抗炎剂、抗疟药、抗生素、抗胺碘酮和化疗药物。的;抗菌素负责色素沉着过度抗疟药物、四环素、tigecycline、氨苯砜、利福平、齐多夫定等抗逆转录病毒药物。 Sunlight exposure can worsen the pigmentation seen with some of the above antimicrobials (e.g., dapsone). Here, we describe an older adult white woman presenting with acute cutaneous; hyperpigmentation of the bilateral lower extremities while on levofloxacin therapy. Hyperpigmentation resolved after cessation of the agent. Our case highlights this unique acute presentation after only a few days of oral levofloxacin. SN - 1687-9627 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6186471 DO - 10.1155/2020/6186471 JF - Case Reports in Medicine PB - Hindawi KW - ER -