Case Reports in Infectious Diseases

Table of Contents

Table of Contents: 2020

  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 6650478
  • - Case Report

Concomitant of Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst and Aspergilloma: A Rare Coinfection

Zahra Zareshahrabadi | Bahador Sarkari | ... | Kamiar Zomorodian
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8812635
  • - Case Report

Cognitive Biases in the Era of COVID-19 : A Case ofsporogenes梭状芽胞杆菌Bacteremia in a Patient with Small Bowel Obstruction

Marc J. Vecchio | Matthew Jankowich | ... | Anupama Menon
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8819268
  • - Case Report

Relapsed Symptoms in a Patient Treated for Pubic Symphysis Septic Arthritis/Adjacent Osteomyelitis: Diagnostic Challenges

Shankar Upadhyayula
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8887647
  • - Case Report

Neurocysticercosis Diagnosed byTaenia soliumPCR on Brain Biopsy

Sean Wei Xiang Ong | Jean-Marc Chavatte | ... | Monica Chan
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 2842315
  • - Case Report

An Abrasion, a Prosthetic Shoulder, and a Cat with a Licking Tendency: Case Report and Literature Review ofP. multocidaJoint Seeding

William F. Abel | Christopher S. Eckman | ... | Amanda E. Schnee
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8850340
  • - Case Report

Postpartum-Isolated Native Pulmonic Valve Methicillin-ResistantStaphylococcus aureusInfective Endocarditis Complicated by Pelvic Abscess, Clavicle Osteomyelitis, and Polyarticular Septic Arthritis

Daniela Navarrete | David Hannibal | ... | William Roland
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8833948
  • - Case Report

Uncommon Pathogen,Lactobacillus, Causing Infective Endocarditis: Case Report and Review

Muhannad Antoun | Yousef Hattab | ... | Leigh Danielle Hamilton
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8854868
  • - Case Report

Severe Pharyngodynia Followed by Migratory Polyarthritis and High Fever in Young Immigrants: Remember That Rheumatic Fever Is Still Relevant in 2020!

Kalliopi Azariadis | George Giannoulis | ... | George N. Dalekos
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8822753
  • - Case Report

COVID-19 Pneumonia in Patients on Chronic Hydroxychloroquine Therapy: Three Cases of COVID-19 Pneumonia

Awan K. Rahman | Adam G. Purdy | Peter T. Ender
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8822053
  • - Case Report

Gradenigo’s Syndrome and Bacterial Meningitis in a Patient with a Petrous Apex Cholesterol Granuloma

Jacqueline Hodges | Julie Matsumoto | ... | Brian Wispelwey
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8828950
  • - Case Report

OralTrypanosoma cruziTransmission Resulting in Advanced Chagasic Cardiomyopathy in an 11-Month-Old Male

Melissa S. Nolan | Joseane Elza Tonussi Mendes | ... | Gabriel Zorello Laporta
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 7185834
  • - Case Report

Bacterial Endocarditis Caused bySphingomonas paucimobilis: A Case Report and Literature Review

Kara Rognrud | Andrew M. Diaz | ... | Melissa A. Kershaw
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8831026
  • - Case Report

分枝杆菌peregrinumPacemaker Pocket Infection: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

一个。F. Lazo-Vasquez | J. A. Gonzales-Zamora
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8834589
  • - Case Report

Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine Epidural Abscess: Case Report and Literature Review

Bohdan Baralo | Mrunal Kulkarni | ... | Mark Gilbert
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases-
  • Special Issue
  • Volume 2020
  • - Article ID 8882348
  • - Case Report

SARS-CoV2 and Co-Infections: A Review of Two Cases

Sumit Sohal | Guillermo Rodriguez-Nava | ... | Harvey J. Friedman
Case Reports in Infectious Diseases
Journal metrics
Acceptance rate 46%
Submission to final decision 117 days
Acceptance to publication 28 days
CiteScore -
Impact Factor -

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