TY -的A2 Horrocks,保罗AU -曼Yasmeen AU -泽勒,保罗AU - Carrillo-Kappus,克里斯汀盟——维克多,梅丽莎AU -摩尔,玛丽PY - 2020 DA - 2020/02/12 TI -严重肺部感染在20个月大的雌性SP - 7301617六世- 2020 AB -社区获得性肺炎(CAP)是一种常见的儿科病人的住院原因。我们报告一个20个月大的女性承认因涉嫌帽。历史上包括一个为期一周的咳嗽、发热、呼吸困难、单一seizure-like活动的发生,和一个生病的接触。最初的胸部x光片(CXR)显示左下叶肺炎和parapneumonic积液与一个复杂的左胸腔积液。超声发现提示需要计算机断层扫描(CT)的胸部。对比增强CT确诊的胸部主要大量胸腔积液,肺不张,纵隔转移。该患者使用经验抗生素,胸腔镜手术(大桶)剥外皮积脓症,和胸管放置。由于术中并发症,大桶剥外皮是流产,病人被转移到儿科重症监护室针对新生儿重症监护室医生(儿童重症监护室医生)。胸腔穿刺术,文化未能隔离细菌生物。地塞米松后开始重复CXR显示持久的渗透。胸部的后续对比增强CT显示大量的空气和持久的整合。 The patient received repeat VATS decortication and reinsertion of a chest tube. Repeat pleural fluid cultures failed to isolate a bacterial organism. Infectious disease (ID) consult recommended linezolid 140 mg Q8H for 4 weeks. Seven days after second VATS, a respiratory pathogen panel was positive for rhinovirus/enterovirus. With resolution of leukocytosis and clinical improvement, the patient was discharged with the chest tube in place and pediatric surgery outpatient follow-up. After three months, sequalae from both the infection and interventions presented . SN - 2090-6625 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/7301617 DO - 10.1155/2020/7301617 JF - Case Reports in Infectious Diseases PB - Hindawi KW - ER -