TY -的A2 -布朗,杰伊·c . AU -迪亚斯,玛丽娜卡拉拉盟——Stuqui,米菲盟——Provazzi Paola Jocelan Scarin AU - Bittar这款,而非盟-坎,纳塔莉亚玛丽亚AU - -马托斯Renata Prandini Adum德盟——Badial Rodolfo Miglioli盟——Bonfim卡罗琳Measso做非盟-梅里,帕特里夏·佩雷拉多斯桑托斯AU -昆塔纳西尔瓦娜玛丽亚AU - Cordeiro,何塞·安东尼奥·AU -刺鼻,宝拉盟——Calmon Marilia de Freitas PY - 2019 DA - 2019/05/02 TI -分析核苷酸改变E6基因组地区的人类乳头瘤病毒类型6和11个尖锐湿疣样品从巴西SP - 5697573六世- 2019 AB -湿疣acuminata (CA),或生殖器疣,是由人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染引起的良性增生性表皮或粘膜病变,主要是低风险6型和11型。HPV变异被定义为L1基因核苷酸序列中同源性大于98%的病毒序列。基于这一标准,已经对HPV6和11种变异谱系进行了研究,目前正在尝试将这些遗传变异与不同的感染临床发现联系起来。因此,本研究的目的是检测变异和核苷酸变化出现在人乳头状瘤病毒类型的E6地区6和11 CA样本中发现,关联人乳头状瘤病毒与clinical-pathological数据存在的患者,并确定系统发育关系变异从世界上其他地方。利用特异性引物对CA中25份HPV6和7份HPV11样本的E6区域进行PCR扩增。将产物连接到克隆载体上,并对每个样本的5个菌落进行测序,观察核苷酸的变化。12个样本被鉴定为HPV6B3变异,表现出(鸟嘌呤)G474A(腺嘌呤)突变,其中1个样本也表现出(胸腺嘧啶)T369G突变。其他13例HPV6B1阳性,无核苷酸改变。 In the analysis of the HPV11 samples, all patients showed the mutations T137C and (cytosine) C380T. One patient also presented the nucleotide alteration T410C. None of the mutations found in the 32 analyzed samples resulted in amino acid changes. Patient age, local occurrence, and HIV infection did not show significant association with HPV infection. Besides, the data found in this study did not show a relationship with the geographical region of isolation when compared to other data from different regions of the world. In this way, despite the nucleotide alterations found, it was not possible to observe amino acid changes and variants grouping according to geographical region. SN - 1687-8639 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/5697573 DO - 10.1155/2019/5697573 JF - Advances in Virology PB - Hindawi KW - ER -