TY -的A2 -布朗,杰伊·c . AU - Norbert Mwiine弗兰克盟——Nkamwesiga约瑟夫盟——Ndekezi基督教非盟- Ochwo西尔维斯特PY - 2019 DA - 2019/04/01 TI -非洲猪瘟病毒的分子特征在城市周边疫情坎帕拉乌干达SP - 1463245六世- 2019 AB -非洲猪瘟(ASF)是一种传染性疾病跨界的国内猪和野猪,目前最严重的约束在乌干达猪舍。ASF的病原体是一种结构复杂的大型双链线性DNA病毒。目前已描述了24种ASFV基因型;然而,在乌干达,以前只描述了基因型IX和X。缺乏对ASF暴发的调查,导致延误了帮助控制ASF的有效干预措施的制定。连续的病毒特性描述可以增强对ASF流行病学在病毒基因组变异、范围、严重程度以及导致暴发的病毒的潜在来源方面的了解。我们收集了死于表明ASF的出血性疾病的猪的样本。从所有样本中提取DNA,并使用OIE推荐的ASF诊断PCR进行筛选。对p72基因B646L (p72)部分、E183L (p54)全长、CVR区进行扩增、纯化、测序。序列分析采用基于web的BLAST和MEGA X软件。 ASF was confirmed in 10 of the 15 suspected pig samples. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed circulation of genotype IX by both full-length E183 (p54) and partial B646L (p72) gene sequencing. Intragenotypic resolution of the CVR region revealed major deletions in the virus genome, in some isolates of this study. The marked reduction in the number of tetrameric tandem repeats in some isolates of this study could potentially play a role in influencing the virulence of this particular genotype IX in Uganda. SN - 1687-8639 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/1463245 DO - 10.1155/2019/1463245 JF - Advances in Virology PB - Hindawi KW - ER -