Advances in Meteorology

Abstracting and Indexing


The journal's articles appear in a wide range of abstracting and indexing databases, and are covered by numerous other services, as given in the full list below. The following link provides more information about Hindawi's approach to making articles more discoverable.

Full list of databases and services

  • Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases
  • Academic OneFile
  • Academic Search Alumni Edition
  • Academic Search Complete
  • Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA)
  • Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
  • Aerospace Database
  • Agricultural Economics Database
  • Agroforestry Abstracts
  • Airiti Library
  • 动物育种抽象
  • Animal Production Database
  • Animal Science Database
  • Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA)
  • CAB文摘数据库
  • Civil Engineering Abstracts
  • CNKI Scholar
  • 作物Physiology Abstracts
  • Crop Science Database
  • Current Abstracts
  • Current Contents - Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • EBSCO MainFile
  • EBSCOhost Connection
  • EBSCOhost Research Databases
  • Engineering Research Database
  • Expanded Academic ASAP
  • Expanded Academic Index
  • GeoRef
  • Global Health
  • Google Scholar
  • GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources)
  • InfoTrac Custom journals
  • J-Gate Portal
  • Journal Citation Reports - Science Edition
  • Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts
  • Oceanic Abstracts
  • Online Access to Research in the Environment (OARE)
  • Open Access Journals Integrated Service System Project (GoOA)
  • Primo Central Index
  • ProQuest Advanced Technologies and Aerospace Collection
  • ProQuest Atmospheric Science Journals
  • ProQuest Natural Science Collection
  • ProQuest SciTech Premium Collection
  • ProQuest Technology Collection
  • SafetyLit
  • Science Citation Index Expanded
  • Scopus
  • Technology and Management (TEMA Database)
  • Technology Research Database
  • The Summon Service
  • TOC Premier
  • WorldCat Discovery Services


    All of Hindawi’s content is archived in Portico, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals, as well as via the LOCKSS initiative.

      Advances in Meteorology
      Journal metrics
      Acceptance rate 37%
      Submission to final decision 118 days
      Acceptance to publication 49 days
      CiteScore 2.600
      Impact Factor 1.491

      We are committed to sharing findings related to COVID-19 as quickly as possible. We will be providing unlimited waivers of publication charges for accepted research articles as well as case reports and case series related to COVID-19. Review articles are excluded from this waiver policy.Sign up hereas a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions.