ty -jour a2 -porcù,federico au -sun,wei au -sun,yonghua au -li- li,xiaojuan au -wang,王12/13 TI-在中国东北东北部以多个时空尺度SP -4714173 VL -2018 AB -2018 AB-精确的遥控降水数据对有效的监测和气候分析至关重要改变。全球降水测量(GPM)卫星产品为全球降水研究提供了新的选择。本文评估了与地面数据相比,在不同时间分辨率的GPM IMEG产品的适用性。基于北京-Tianjin-Hebei地区107个气象站的降水数据,在三个时标:半小时(GPM-HH),每日(GPM-D)和月度(GPM-M)分析了GPM产品。我们使用累积分布函数(CDF)模型来校正GPM-D和GPM-M产品,以分析降水的时间和空间分布。我们得出以下结论:(1)GPM-M产品与地面站数据密切相关。基于五个评估索引,NRMSE(标准化的根平方错误),NSE(NASH-SUTCLIFFE),FAR(错误警报比率),UR(报告率不足)和CSI(关键成功指数),每月GPM产品显示出最佳的GPM产品性能,比GPM-HH产品和GPM-D产品更好。 (2) The performance of GPM products in summer and autumn was better than in winter and spring. However, the GPM satellite’s precision in undulating terrain was poor, which could easily lead to serious errors. (3) CDF models were successfully used to modify GPM-D and GPM-M products and improve their accuracy. (4) The range of 0–100 mm precipitation could be corrected best, but the GPM-M products were underestimated. Corrected GPM-M data in the range >100 mm were overestimated. According to this analysis, the GPM IMERG Final Run products at daily and monthly timescales have good detection ability and can provide data support for long-time series analyses in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. SN - 1687-9309 UR - https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4714173 DO - 10.1155/2018/4714173 JF - Advances in Meteorology PB - Hindawi KW - ER -